Guides & Toolkits

Psychological Safety Resources for Leaders during COVID-19

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PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY RESOURCES FOR LEADERS DURING COVID-19 4 © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Psychologically Safe Leaders – (offered by UNB) A five-module course providing participants with greater awareness, understanding of risks, and the skills needed to be a psychologically safe leader. Perceived Isolation Survey – (HowattHR, the Globe and Mail, and WSPS) This survey is designed to increase your awareness of the relationship between isolation (i.e., things that may be negatively impacting your ability to make social connections) and loneliness (i.e., the emotions associated with feeling isolated) Additional COVID-19 Mental Health Resources WSPS COVID-19 Mental Health Resources Information Sheet – This summary of resources provides links to over 35 sources providing assistance on a myriad of mental health related topics, including: helping employees decrease mental distress and seek care supporting employees working from home helping employees manage mental health supporting employees who have been laid off supporting employees who have lost family members friends and colleagues preparing employees for a psychologically safe return to the workplace Mental Health Commission of Canada COVID-19 Resource Hub – Content is available in both French and English with links to expertise and resources to assist individuals and leaders in maintaining mental health during the COVID-19 crisis. – Developed by Ontario Health and Safety System Partners to provide workplaces with resources to better understand and prevent mental health problems. The Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Mental Injury Toolkit – Provides workers with a basic understanding of workplace stress, their rights and Ontario's legal framework. StressAssess – A web tool and mobile application designed to help individuals monitor their work- related stress. Developed from evidence-based studies, these resources help leaders analyze and address stress in the workplace. WSPS.CA

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