Posters & Infographics

Protect Your Hearing!

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With support from: Kitten meowing 40 dB Normal Conversation 60 dB Chicken Coop 70 dB Tractor Idling 80db Farm Trucks 88 dB Lawn Mower 91 dB Auger 97 dB Tractor at full load 120 dB Swine Squeals 130 dB Jet Takeoff 140 dB TOO LOUD? TOO LOUD? SO HOW LOUD IS TOO LOUD? Protect your hearing! COMFORT ZONE PROTECTION REQUIRED *Hearing protection is recommended at 85 dB 1. Use hearing protection – earplugs or muffs 2. Make sure your hearing protection fits 3. Rotate jobs so exposure time to loud noises is reduced 4. Make sure cab doors and windows fit tightly and are closed 5. Check that your equipment and machinery is in good working order FIVE WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR HEARING Hearing loss is 100% preventable! Once it's gone, you can't get it back. Hearing loss in adult farmers is almost double that of non-farmers. Sounds that are too loud for too long can damage your hearing permanently.

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