
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2023 Catalogue.

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WSPS.CA When We Work Together, Everyone Wins Regardless of the industry you're in, your people are essential to your organization's success and sustainability. Protecting their psychological safety is a critical business strategy. The new Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap is a free tool developed by WSPS in collaboration with Howatt HR Consulting. It offers an evidence-based approach that helps employers create and implement strategies, programs and policies related to psychological health and safety. Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace is a Journey. Where is your organization today? And where do you want to go? Psychological Safety: A state in which workers are free from exposure to reasonably foreseeable, significant risks to their mental health arising from the acts and omissions of other people in the workplace so that… there is a low risk of mental injury. — Dr. Martin Shain on Psychological Safety WORKPLACE FACTORS TOOLKITS + 13 WSPS.CA

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