
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2023 Catalogue.

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Title Description Delivery | Duration Supervisor Responsibilities & Due Diligence Understand your legal duties to protect the health and safety of workers, your role as a leader and what it means to be duly diligent. Also available in eCourse format. eCourse, Public, Private & Virtual 1/2 DAY The Effective Supervisor Learn what it takes to become an effective supervisor. Public & Private 2 DAYS The Effective Trainer Learn how to effectively deliver in-house training. Public & Private 2 DAYS Offered with  Health & Safety for Managers & Supervisors Learn how to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses and develop effective workplace safety programs. eCourse 6 – 7 HOURS   Also available in French NOTE:  Solutions for managers and supervisors span well beyond this page of the catalogue. Be sure to also check out our hazard and topic-specific solutions plus those in the Legal Requirements and Inspections, Assessments & Investigations sections. MANAGERS & SUPERVISORS Supervisors play a critical role in OHS and so much more. Set your supervisors up for success by giving them the training and support they need. WSPS CAN HELP. Visit WSPS.CA/Supervisors or call 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) Good Supervisors are Good for Business WSPS.CA/Supervisors Solutions offered via VIRTUAL delivery 23 |  2023 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

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