
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2023 Catalogue.

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Title Description    Delivery | Public & Private  Duration | 1/2 Day Management Systems – An Introduction Introduces the fundamentals of an Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) and prepares you to guide your organization in selecting a relevant standard. Offered with     Delivery | eCourse  Duration | 2 HOURS Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems* Get the knowledge to implement a health and safety management system suited to your organization's needs.   Also available in French WSPS is reviewing its OHSMS solutions portfolio to align with standards such as ISO 45001, CSA Z45001, IHSA's CORE TM 2020 and Supporting Ontario's Safest Employers (SOSE) program, formerly called Accreditation. Call 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) for more information. An OHSMS improves health & safety and business performance. Plus, it's one of the best ways to demonstrate due diligence. Occupational Health & Safety MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 26 |  2023 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777) WSPS is certified to ISO 9001:2015 ISO 45000 : 2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management Certified OHSMS Consulting Solutions In addition to training, WSPS offers the following CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our OHS management systems experts. For more information, visit the OHS Management Systems Consulting page at WSPS.CA or call 1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777  Gap Analysis   Implementation Support   Internal Audits

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