
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2023 Catalogue.

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Title Description Delivery | Duration Confined Space Confined Space Entry Learn about confined space requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and how to identify and control confined space hazards. Public & Private 1 DAY Confined Space Management Learn how to establish and manage a confined space program for your workplace eCourse 1-1/2 HOURS Confined Space Safety Find out what you need to know to establish an effective confined space program. Public, Private 1/2 DAY Confined Spaces: The Basics Learn how to recognize and control confined space hazards, how to work safely in these spaces, and how to plan for emergencies. eCourse 3 HOURS Other Hazards Landscape Safety Awareness Learn how to work safely in the Landscape Industry and get familiar with common hazards in the workplace. eCourse 1 HOUR Tractor Safety – Learning the Basics Learn about the hazards of tractors and methods of control. Public, Private 1/2 DAY Tractor Safety Awareness Learn basics hazards when operating a tractor. eCourse 30 MIN Offered with   Asbestos in the Workplace Learn to recognize, assess and manage asbestos-related risks in the workplace. eCourse 1 HOUR OTHER HAZARDS & TOPICS In addition to training, WSPS offers the following CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our experts. For more information, visit WSPS.CA or call 1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777  Confined Space Assessments & Program Development   Noise Level Testing     Indoor Air Quality Consulting   Respirator Fit Testing Consulting   Also available in French 27 |  2023 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

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