
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2023 Catalogue.

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 Steel Storage Racks – Technical Awareness    Storage Racking Program Development   Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment   Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Management Assessments For more information, visit the Technical Consulting page at WSPS.CA or call 1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777 Warehouses and Distribution Centres In addition to training, WSPS offers the following CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our Warehousing and Distribution experts. 31 |  2023 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777) Title Description Delivery | Duration Certification Part Two: Warehousing & Distribution Deepen your knowledge of how to recognize and control hazards in warehousing & distribution environments. Public, Private & Virtual   2 DAYS Managing Robot Safety Learn the key principles of robot safety and how to recognize, assess and control risks. 1/2 DAYS Co-developed with Inspecting & Maintaining Steel Storage Racks Reduce the risk of a racking collapse. Learn how to properly inspect and maintain steel storage racks using the new CSA A344-17 User Guide. Public & Private & Virtual 1 DAY Offered with   Safe Driving: Backing Up This course is designed to help you reduce the chances of becoming involved in an incident while backing up a vehicle.. eCourse 1 HOUR   Also available in French WAREHOUSES AND DISTRIBUTION CENTRES WSPS.CA/warehousesafety Explore warehouse specific resources that will help you and your business.

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