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Arborist Industy Safe Work Practices Guide

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ASWPGT Glossary of Terms ASWP GT R0 Glossary of Terms Revision History Version Revision Date Brief Description of Revisions R0 February 2016 Document has been updated to new format. ARBORIST SAFE WORK PRACTICES D I S C L A I M E R The contents of the Arborist Safe Work Practices (ASWP), including all advice, recommendations, and procedures are provided as a service by Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (formerly known as the Farm Safety Association of Ontario). No representation of any kind is made to any person whatsoever with regard to accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the material. Any and all use of these practices, or anything found herein, is solely and entirely at the user's risk. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services wishes to express its appreciation to those who have assisted in the preparation of the Arborist Safe Work Practices guide. Copyright © Workplace Safety & Prevention Services, 2011 Page 157

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