Guides & Toolkits

Arborist Industy Safe Work Practices Guide

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Page 160 of 163

ASWPGT Glossary of Terms Hazard Refers to a source of energy, when not controlled can cause injury to a worker. An identifiable risk posed to a worker. Hazard Area A worksite defined and controlled by the person in charge or supervisor. Implant Small encapsulated container containing such materials as fertilizer or pesticide that is installed by means of drilling a small hole into the tree's trunk and inserting the capsule. Interim Anchor Point A limb of sufficient size and strength to support the load to be applied. Factors to be considered should include but not limited to: Weight of climber Species characteristics Diameter of limb or stem Branch union angle should be wide enough to allow free running of the rope The main stem and the support branch must be sound, inspect for: Decay Bird holes Cracks Imbedded objects Cankers Ensure that the selected tie in point is located so that a slip or fall will swing the climber away from any electrical conductor or other potential hazard. If working within the legislated Limits of Approach contact the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association for further information. Job Planning A work plan agreed to by all workers involved that identifies all known hazards, eliminates the hazards where practical, controls the hazards that cannot be eliminated, protects against injury if a hazard gets out of control, minimizes the severity of an injury if one takes place and identifies each worker's responsibilities in the performance of the work. Limits of Approach A procedural barrier system for authorized workers or workers under the continuous direction of an authorized worker, intended to minimize the risk associated with working in proximity to exposed energized apparatus. Specific distances can be found in the Electrical Safety Rule Book and Regulations Page 161

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