Guides & Toolkits

Arborist Industy Safe Work Practices Guide

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ASWPGT Glossary of Terms made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Load A force borne by or conveyed to a structure. Locates Underground The process of identifying underground utilities such as electrical, communications, or natural gas. Mechanical Advantage A measure of the force amplification achieved by using a tool, mechanical device or machine system. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Approved safety equipment worn and used to reduce the risk of personal injury. Qualified Personnel An individual who, by reason of training and experience has demonstrated the ability to safely perform assigned duties and, where required, is properly licensed in accordance with Federal, provincial or local laws and regulations. Reverse Barber Chair A reverse barber chair can happen when a tree that is being cut by a climber some distance above ground level, splits below the notch. This splitting action can cause a climber to be crushed or severely injured. Tree size, species, loading and rigging forces are factors that can affect the probability of this occurrence. Risk Assessment Process of identifying hazards to workers and determining the safest work method needed to proceed with the work. Safety Basics A hierarchy of control methods to ensure a safe work site by following the process of: Identify the hazards Eliminate the hazards where practical Control the hazards that cannot be eliminated Protect against injury if a hazard gets out of control Minimize the severity of an injury if one takes place Safe Working Load (SWL) The maximum allowable working load established by the manufacturer or other authority. Often called the Working Load Limit. Takes into account a Safety Factor. Safety Factor Ratio of breaking strength to the force applied Safety Lines Short ropes or lanyards used for work positioning as a secondary point of attachment. Page 162

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