Guides & Toolkits

Arborist Industy Safe Work Practices Guide

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Page 158 of 163

ASWPGT Glossary of Terms Barber Chair A result of an unusually strong pressure within the tree, causing it to split up the trunk. The back side of the tree snaps violently and quickly out and up. Barriers With respect to job planning a physical or non-physical object that eliminates, controls, protects from further injury, or minimize severity of a hazard. Biotic Condition Conditions such as stinging insects, biting insects, birds, wild life, poison ivy etc. Chicot Referring to a dead tree, or dead limb of a tree that may endanger a worker; ("chicot"). Climber Refer to Arborist Climbing Harness A combination of a belt and a saddle. The belt goes around the waist and the saddle is the actual seat or butt strap. Other names could be: tree saddle or climbing belt. Cornering Cut A cut or cuts that are made to prevent ripping down of the bark when felling a large piece of wood or tree. Competent Individual For the purposes of these work practices a competent individual could be either a competent worker or a competent person. Competent Person Means a person who: a) Is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize the work and its performance b) Is familiar with this Act and the regulations that apply to the work, and, c) Has knowledge of all potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace Competent Worker In relation specific work, means a worker who: a) Is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to perform the work b) Is familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and with the provisions of the regulations that apply to the work and, c) Has knowledge of all potential or actual danger to health or safety in the work. Critical lift A lift that: a) Exceeds 75% of the rated capacity of the crane or derrick, or b) Requires the use of more than one crane or derrick, or c) Includes lifting a person with a crane, or d) Lifting a load over a worker Page 159

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