
Food Manufacturing Risk Assessment Results

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L sd(L) C sd(C) 1 Work Practice Lockout/Tag out (failure to lockout/tag out) 3.90 0.57 4.10 0.32 15.99 2 Mobile Equipment Forklifts and transport trucks; motor vehicle incidents (warehouse area); powered material handling equipment 3.40 0.52 4.30 0.48 14.62 3 Work Practice Bypassing Safeguarding 3.70 0.67 3.80 0.63 14.06 4 Slip/Trip/Falls Slips, Trips and Falls - walking in plant, warehouse and lunchroom; stairs, wet, oiled floors and unsafe surfaces; water and chemicals used in sanitation, process materials (waste product, offal, and other such debris); trips and falls due to obstructions on floor or platforms – hoses, cords 4.30 0.82 3.20 0.63 13.76 5 Equipment Lack of Safeguarding - improper, lack of, missing, broken or defeatable (auto) machine guarding; working around dangerous equipment; robot cells, conveyors, mixers, wrappers, etc.; critical injury – broken bones or amputation; contact with equipment, risk of workers hands or body part sustaining injuries due to encountering moving parts of equipment, or contact with improperly controlled energy sources while interacting with the machine or equipment (steam, hot surfaces etc.) 3.70 0.67 3.70 0.67 13.69 6 Loading/Unloading Trailers Unloading trailers - not able to hitch trailer, because the trailer is a straight truck; trailer creeps, forklift could fall between dock and trailer; driver pulls out of the receiving door, forklift could fall between door and trailer; rotting floorboards forklift could get stuck or fall through floor; shunt truck driving forward while the 3.40 0.52 3.90 0.57 13.26 7 MSD Ergonomics [general] -Musculoskeletal Disorders/ergo hazards (sprain, strain, overexertion) around manufacturing activities (packaging, mixing, cleaning, and troubleshooting) that involve bending, twisting, pulling, and pushing by various categories of workers (cleaners, maintenance, operators, etc.) 4.10 0.88 3.20 0.42 13.12 8 Work Practice Broken/fractured lower extremity from standing electric rider pallet truck - the operator stepping off prior to coming to a full complete stop. The lower extremity makes contact with the ground and is pinched between a skid and the base of the electric rider pallet truck 3.60 0.52 3.60 0.52 12.96 9 Struck by Injury resulting in interaction with forklift; walking in the plant; struck by incidents involving powered industrial vehicles - PIV (forklift trucks, counterbalances, walkies, trucks etc.) supporting operations and during delivery or transfer of finished goods 3.30 0.82 3.80 0.63 12.54 10 Organization Temporary staffing 3.70 0.82 3.20 0.42 11.84 11 Equipment Conveyors - stepping over moving conveyors; trip and fall; uniforms could get caught and pulled into conveyor 3.80 0.92 3.10 0.57 11.78 Rank # Category Event (Situation/Condition) that could result in Injury or Illness OR What could keep you up at night? RISK (L x C) Risk FM Risk Assessment - Risk Events Summary

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