
Food Manufacturing Risk Assessment Results

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L sd(L) C sd(C) Rank # Category Event (Situation/Condition) that could result in Injury or Illness OR What could keep you up at night? RISK (L x C) Risk 38 Physical Temperature extremes (cold and/or heat stress) - cold stress, frostbite, hypothermia; heat illness 3.40 0.70 2.70 0.48 9.18 39 Equipment Robots 2.60 0.52 3.50 0.53 9.10 40 Electrical Electrical 2.50 0.71 3.60 0.70 9.00 41 Psychosocial Workplace harassment or violence 3.00 0.67 3.00 0.67 9.00 42 Emergency Medical emergency 3.10 0.57 2.80 0.63 8.68 43 Organization Staffing 3.20 0.63 2.70 0.67 8.64 44 Biological Exposure to viruses or bacteria from exposure to poultry or other animals 3.00 0.47 2.80 0.42 8.40 45 Fatigue Worker fatigue while working around machinery 3.10 0.32 2.70 0.48 8.37 46 Organization Lone workers – injured worker, working in a remote area and unable to get help 2.70 0.48 3.10 0.57 8.37 47 Chemical Chemical exposures causing injury - specifically burns from caustic chemicals used in sanitation activity 2.90 0.32 2.80 0.63 8.12 48 Psychosocial Bullying in workplace - physical confrontation, verbal confrontation; workplace violence and harassment between drivers - receivers/shippers/office staff 2.90 0.57 2.80 0.79 8.12 49 Emergency Oven Fire 2.80 0.79 2.80 0.42 7.84 50 Struck by Lifting of ingredients into mixer - dropping ingredients 3.00 0.67 2.60 0.84 7.80 FM Risk Assessment - Risk Events Summary

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