
Food Manufacturing Risk Assessment Results

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L sd(L) C sd(C) Rank # Category Event (Situation/Condition) that could result in Injury or Illness OR What could keep you up at night? RISK (L x C) Risk 25 Parking Lot Walking into plant from parking lot - walking across busy public street; slip/trip/fall; struck by vehicle 3.20 0.79 3.10 0.32 9.92 26 Psychosocial Mental health - workers coming into work not "present" and getting hurt by not locking out equipment when cleaning 3.10 0.88 3.20 0.42 9.92 27 Chemical Injury or fatality resulting from a combustible dust explosion 2.20 0.79 4.50 0.53 9.90 28 Laceration Deep cut from boning knife while cutting meat product to specifications; knife cuts opening packaging, cutting of meat 3.30 0.67 3.00 0.67 9.90 29 Biological COVID-19, colds, flue or other illness outbreak 3.60 0.70 2.70 0.48 9.72 30 Struck by Dough tub falling on worker - resulting in severely injury or fatality 2.20 0.79 4.40 0.70 9.68 31 Work Practice Moving finished goods into the warehouse - being struck by forklift; caught between racking and material handling equipment; caught between stacked pallets and material handling equipment 3.00 0.47 3.20 0.63 9.60 32 Struck Against Struck against object (especially head injury, concussions, walking into stationary objects or equipment with low head room) 3.30 0.67 2.90 0.57 9.57 33 Equipment Maintenance Shop - operating lathes and drills 2.80 0.79 3.40 0.70 9.52 34 Equipment Exposure to faulty equipment 3.00 0.47 3.10 0.57 9.30 35 Work Practice Maintenance - called to line for repairs on production lines; fixing machine – not locking out 2.80 0.42 3.30 0.67 9.24 36 Laceration Cuts from utensils and machines 3.30 0.48 2.80 0.42 9.24 37 Struck by Heavy or hard product from overhead conveyor (e.g. frozen meat) 2.70 0.67 3.40 0.52 9.18 FM Risk Assessment - Risk Events Summary

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