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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 10 Sample comments: "…[The Roadmap's impact on our confidence was] huge" "not just checking a box" "we know what we're talking about now" "it was a guiding light, north star to follow progressively, step by step" "confidence relates to: do I know where we are and where we are going, can we get there, is it manageable? [The Roadmap] helped with all of that" "made it not overwhelming" The Roadmap improved participants' ability to evaluate their progress and engage in continual improvement (PDCA). Several participants mentioned that engaging in the Roadmap increased their ability to plan how to track or use metrics to follow the success of their plans. This is particularly meaningful as evaluation of programs is essential to success but not done frequently in organizations. Several participants mentioned how useful and helpful the MFI data was to their organization and planning. Sample comments: "The analytics [were the most impactful part]. Being able to speak to [the numbers] helped" "[before this program] we did not know how to measure success" "gave us metrics to use" "the biggest impact was establishing metrics" "MFI was really great data…we're waiting on the results"

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