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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 11 They would recommend the program to others. When queried whether they would recommend the program to a colleague (internal or external) working on psychological health and safety in the workplace, respondents were unanimous that they would recommend it. Sample comments: "certainly" "yes absolutely" "absolutely 100%, we already have" "Yes I would" "I would because everything is ground-breaking for this topic" Participants needed more time to make progress on implementing a PHS plan. All respondents reported experiencing challenges with the timeline of the project. They reported they did not have enough time to implement their plans generated through their interactions with the Roadmap. Some said they would have rated the helpfulness of the project even higher if they had more time to implement a plan, but gave it high ratings because it helped create the plan even if it had not yet been implemented and had increased their confidence to implement the plan with more time. For some organizations, this was due to ongoing or competing projects, issues arising from the pandemic, or budgetary timelines that required more time to secure funding for planned projects. Several respondents asked if there was a way they could continue with the project past the initial endpoint.

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