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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 15 Table 1: Changes in building blocks between Time 1 and Time 2 Time 1 Time 2 Change Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Value % Foundation Building Block 1 0 7 3.78 2.386 1 7 4.78 1.856 1 26.45% Support Building Block 2 3 7 5.44 1.236 3 7 5.22 1.481 -0.22 -4.04% Planning Building Block 3 0 6 1.22 2.048 0 6 2.67 2.291 1.45 118.85% Leadership Building Block 4 0 4 2.44 1.424 0 8 4.33 2.828 1.89 77.46% Culture Building Block 5 1 7 5.00 1.936 3 7 5.89 1.537 0.89 17.8% Connection s Building Block 6 0 5 2.78 1.641 0 6 3.33 1.871 0.55 19.78% Prevention Building Block 7 0 6 1.78 1.986 0 6 3.56 2.297 1.78 100% Excellence Building Block 8 0 4 2.11 1.764 0 7 3.33 2.828 1.22 57.82% All Blocks 15.00 45.00 24.56 10.13 16.00 52.00 33.11 14.24 8.56 34.84%

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