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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 19 Limitations Because this was an open trial without a control group, we cannot definitively attribute any changes found in the building blocks or the MFI scores from Test 1 to Test 2 to exposure to the Roadmap. However, qualitative interviews indicate that psychological health and safety facilitators attributed the changes to their knowledge and skills improvement to the Roadmap. As the subjective experience of confidence is critical, the fact that they attributed the increase in confidence to the Roadmap is meaningful. Additional studies could provide a more robust test by comparing companies using the Roadmap to companies not using the Roadmap. Additionally, numerous companies participating indicated that eight months was insufficient time for them to implement any plans. For example, some indicated that they did not have enough time to get budgetary approval for new initiatives, which inhibited launching new initiatives. It also is worth noting that this study was done during a peak period in the COVID pandemic when leaders were managing return-to-office and other ongoing pandemic demands. Conclusion Psychological health and safety is gaining more attention as a strategic imperative for reducing mental harm and promoting workers' mental health. While the CAN/CSA Z1003 Standard provides clear guidance on what should be done, it does not provide guidance on how to implement it. Thus, the Roadmap provides an implementation guide and fills a space that many psychological health and safety facilitators are needing. It includes practical, applied insights for using a PDCA approach to impact workplace mental health. This study found that the Roadmap can help psychological health and safety facilitators (i.e., persons tasked to support workplace mental health) obtain the knowledge, skills,

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