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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 23 Ensure leadership well-being and support plans are in place, including self-care, peer support, and coaching resources. Building Block 5: Culture Defines specific actions to shape the culture and influence the social norms around respect, civility, teamwork, and basic human needs. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) Core values have been defined and communicated to all employees. Leaders and employees are implementing and maintaining a no-tolerance policy for bullying, harassment and violence. Workplace factors and basic human needs are assessed and prioritized. Basic human needs are considered and addressed by leaders. Action plans are developed for prioritized workplace factors and monitored. Inclusion and diversity (e.g., risk of institutional racism) are recognized and celebrated. The organization strives to facilitate a psychologically-safe culture to ensure all employees feel safe and welcome. Building Block 6: Connections Defines how to assist employees to connect with one another and reduces the risks of perceived isolation and loneliness. The goal here is to build safe communities where all feel included. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) The organization has a strategy for supporting employees to build healthy social connections in the workplace. Leaders are encouraged to do regular check-ins with all employees to ensure they have at least one person they feel psychologically safe to share concerns with. Action plans are in place to reduce employees' risk of experiencing workplace isolation and loneliness. Building and maintaining healthy workplace social connections is a priority for leadership. A formal peer support program is in place to provide support and encourage help-seeking behaviour when appropriate. The organization promotes activities designed to encourage employees to get out and meet each other in creative ways to build a safe community.

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