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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 5 The Roadmap's impact in this study was measured by examining changes over the eight months between Time 1 and Time 2 assessments on user capacity and confidence (self- efficacy). The Roadmap's impact was assessed via quantitative questionnaires and qualitative interviews. Two specific outcomes were of interest: Outcome #1) The percentage of affirmation or positive acceptance and confirmation from participating organizations and Outcome #2) percentage of participating organizations that can demonstrate increased confidence to create and implement workplace mental health programs. Although we also examined the potential impact of the Roadmap action plan on employees with assessments at Time 1 and Time 2, given the short timeframe of the project, we did not anticipate any significant changes to have trickled down to employees. Consistent with CSA Z1003 guidance on ensuring workers' voices are considered, the employee experience was captured using the Mental Fitness Index (MFI). The MFI tracks employee experience, measures psychological health and safety in the workplace, and allows companies to evaluate the impact of policies and programs on employees' psychological health and safety. The MFI provided organizations' psychological health and safety facilitators with clarity on psychosocial risk factors and hazards and their mental health programs' utilization and perceived usefulness. A requirement of this study was ensuring every organization completed Time 1 and Time 2 assessments over the period of eight months and had a plan for using the Roadmap to improve workplace mental health.

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