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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 7 Note: All MFI data was confidential and is presented in aggregated or anonymized format in this report to each organization. Organizations did not have access to employees' raw data or other organizations' MFI results as per ethics guidelines. Results Qualitative Results Psychological health and safety facilitators' participation in the structured interviews conducted by Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley was to better understand user experiences with the Roadmap and its perceived benefits (i.e., did it help them develop more competency and confidence?). Participants consented for their comments to be included in the report anonymously. They were asked about their experiences with the Roadmap, including its impact on their planning and implementation and their own confidence in psychological health and safety planning and implementation. They were also asked to identify the most and least effective parts of the program. The goal was to determine the perceived value of the Roadmap through an applied lens to help psychological health and safety facilitators impact workplace mental health. The Roadmap was well designed, useful, and helpful. All respondents reported that their experience with the Roadmap was positive and built their confidence, capacity, and skills in their PHS plans. Thus, Outcome #1 was met: 100% of participating organizations reported positive acceptance and confirmation of using the Roadmap. They also mentioned that they made progress in their mental health plans for the workplace. They reported the content was helpful and useful and accomplished the goal of providing a clear "roadmap" of where to start, how to plan, and what aspects to keep in mind to be successful.

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