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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 12 Very few problems were reported with the Roadmap. When queried about aspects of the Roadmap that could be improved, suggestions were varied and described as minor. No consistent problem was reported. A few respondents indicated they were not sure how to make the best use of their meeting time with the WSPS consultant. This might have been due to the timing of the meetings which occurred after each building block. Organizations were encouraged to work on building blocks that were most useful to them and not necessarily all of the building blocks. Therefore, if the organization were not taking steps related to that building block it may not have been clear how to make use of the time with the WSPS consultant that was scheduled after each building block. There was some feedback that more interaction such as Q and A time with Dr. Howatt and discussion and engagement/networking with the other companies in the project would have been appreciated. Because of the terms "Roadmap" and "Building Blocks," a few participants reported they often mistakenly said "roadblocks." One organization indicated that the term "mental" fitness index brought stigma associated with mental health and perhaps lowered employee participation in their company. Sample comments: "nothing comes to mind" "Can't think of anything"

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