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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 13 Quantitative Results Changes in capacity and self-efficacy Companies completed an assessment of each Building Block from Time 1 to Time 2, which are reported in Table 1. This table reflects the extent to which the respondent indicated that their organization was engaging in the key performance behaviours of each building block at Time 1 and Time 2 (see Appendix A for more details on the items used to rate each building block). Collapsed across the nine organizations, Table 1 indicates that companies reported an overall average improvement in building blocks of 35%. Individually, there were increases in all the Building Block except Building Block 2. Building Block 2 represents defining and validating which supports are in place for employees and the minimal level of supports recommended. This suggests that organizations noted improvements in each of the areas assessed by the Building Blocks between Time 1 and Time 2 for almost all the Building Blocks. Staff self-efficacy was examined quantitatively between time 1 and time 2. Results showed an increase in self- efficacy from Time 1 (Mean = 7.78, SD = 4.75) to Time 2 (Mean = 8.08, SD = 1.48). This represents an overall increase of 4%. This provides additional support for Outcome #1 as this quantitative data suggests an increase in confidence between Time 1 and Time 2 for participating organizations through using the Roadmap, which is consistent with their qualitative self-report. We also examined changes in the MFI assessment. While the Building Blocks data represents perceptions from psychological health and safety facilitators, MFI data comes directly from employees. Studies suggest that ROI for mental health initiatives commonly takes 2-3 years to emerge 2 . Given the short duration between Time 1 and 2 workplace-mental-health-final-aoda.pdf

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