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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 14 Time 2, many organizations had not yet implemented their plans to change. Therefore, we did not anticipate changes to have trickled down to employee behaviour, which requires more time to develop. Overall, Table 2 highlights changes in a few relevant items in the MFI, which may have changed because of greater emphasis on awareness of mental health issues, even if specific initiatives had not yet been implemented. The companies' results showed an increased awareness of the availability of EFAP and increases in employee perception of inclusion and sense of feeling welcomed. This suggests that change can happen through increased awareness and accountability on programs, which is consistent with a Plan – Do – Check – Act approach. It also shows the benefits of checking in with workers to ensure they understand what programs are in place and value them. The MFI Test 1 may partially explain an improvement in EFAP awareness in Test 2 because employers may have put some more focus on EFAP. It was encouraging to see two key levers that support psychologically safe cultures of inclusion and feeling welcomed were improved, providing applied evidence that psychological health and safety outcomes are behaviour-driven (i.e., happen because of the employee experience). Table 3 shows the results of MFI subscales. Additional details of these subscales can be found in Appendix B. The four pillars represent behaviour health by employees. Unsurprisingly, these items did not improve over time, given the limited time for initiatives to impact employee behaviour. The five factors represent employee perceptions of key factors described by the CAN/CSA Z1003 Standard. Results suggest that these items showed some improvements across companies from Time 1 to Time 2, which could be attributed to the MFI Test 1 creating more intention and conversations

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