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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 17 Table 3: Change in MFI Scales data from Time 1 to Time 2 Time 1 Time 2 Change Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Value % 4 pillars* Physical 52 59 54.75 2.25 50 56 52.89 2.20 -1.86 -3.40% Mental 63 69 66.25 2.25 55 73 65.78 5.04 -0.47 -0.71% Work 73 78 75.38 2.06 72 79 75.78 2.73 0.4 0.53% Life 71 77 73.36 1.84 62 78 71.78 4.71 -1.583 -2.16% 5 factors* Manage 51 60 56.38 3.07 53 64 58.56 3.91 2.18 3.87% Align 50 66 59.38 5.58 56 67 61.78 3.90 2.4 4.04% Culture 50 65 58.75 5.06 53 65 60.44 4.12 1.69 2.88% Strategy 57 70 65.00 4.60 61 70 66.22 2.99 1.22 1.87% Safety 60 74 68.88 4.97 64 78 70.00 5.29 1.12 1.63% *See Appendix B for a description of each pillar and factor. The Howatt HR Factor 5 is the 13+ psychological health & safety factors identified in the CSA Z1003 Standard, categorized under 5 themes.

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