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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 18 Discussion The Roadmap's year-two journey measured its benefits of increasing psychological health and safety facilitators' capacity and confidence regarding their psychological health and safety initiatives in 9 companies. Both qualitative and quantitative results found the Roadmap positively impacted the psychological health and safety facilitators participating in the study and provided positive benefits for participating organizations. The psychological health and safety facilitators from all nine organizations reported that they better understood how to evaluate psychosocial risk factors, psychosocial hazards, and protective factors because of their exposure to the Roadmap. They also knew how to create an action plan to meet their organizations' needs within the context of their budget, leadership support, resources, and capacity. The Roadmap and MFI data clearly provided participants with an applied experience of HOW to facilitate the PDCA framework for continual improvement. As this is something with which organizations often struggle 3 , there is a need to better support them in a PDCA approach. At an organizational level, workers reported positive shifts of awareness and perceptions regarding EFAP, inclusion, and feeling welcomed from MFI Test 1 to Test 2. Though some minor improvements were found in the MFI data from Test 1 to Test 2, we did not expect to see any significant changes because the gap between Test 1 and Test 2 was less than eight months. This is consistent with past studies that suggest it takes 2-3 years of focus to see the impact of PHS initiatives 4 . 3 Workplace-Employer-Practices-COVID-19.pdf 4 workplace-mental-health-final-aoda.pdf

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