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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 21 Appendix Appendix A: The Roadmap eight building blocks Building Block 1: Foundation Establishes organizational readiness, budget, resources, and senior leadership buy-in. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) Senior leaders are engaged and committed to supporting psychological health and safety. There's a defined budget for supporting psychological health and safety. The reason the organization is motivated and ready to develop psychological health and safety in the workplace has been clearly defined. The internal champion responsible for leading all psychological health and safety initiatives has been identified and their role has been communicated. The goals leadership wants to be achieved regarding psychological health and safety initiatives have been clearly defined (i.e., reduce short-term disability claims due to mental health). A business case that supports the benefits of investing in psychological health and safety has been built The organization has made an initial determination regarding roadmap destination, outcome desired, timelines, and human and other resources needed. Building Block 2: Support Defines and validates which supports are in place for employees and the minimal level of supports recommended. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) All employees have been effectively trained in the respectful workplace policy that includes workplace violence and harassment. Crisis response planning has been put in place to deal with critical incidents, including suicide, violence, and domestic violence. Policies and programs support employees' mental health accommodation and return-to-work needs. Mental health supports that acknowledge the organization's size, budget, resources, employee needs and values are in place. Mental health supports that include at minimum Employee Family Assistance Programming (EFAP) up to and including paramedical psychological services and access to internet cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety and depression (this may be more of an enhanced program) are in place.

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