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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 22 A substance use policy for managing substance use impairment in the workplace is in place and employees have been trained in it. An inventory of all policies and programs, including employees' participation levels, is in place. Building Block 3: Planning Establishes which actions the employer will take regarding programs and policies to promote mental health and reduce mental harm. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) A strategic plan for facilitating psychological health and safety within the workforce has been completed. The types of data and method of collection have been clearly defined. The most important key performance indicators have been determined and a reporting frequency for senior leadership is in place. A program review process for determining what new programs will be added and what old programs may be removed, based on data and program evaluation, is in place. A reporting schedule is in place with clear timelines and audience to get each report. A change management strategy for how all new programs and policies will be onboarded and communicated to staff is in place. Building Block 4: Leadership Defines organizational expectations and behaviours around the manager-employee relationship and the well-being of managers and senior leaders. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) Clearly define leaders' behaviour expectations (e.g., leadership core competency). Learn about and understand the strengths, limitations, and vulnerabilities of your people. Encourage as much employee voice and participation in decision-making as possible. Train all leaders in the duty to inquire and how to support employees experiencing a mental health concern in the workplace. Focus leaders' training and development plans on providing the core knowledge and skills required to be an effective leader. Allow as much room as possible for employee discretion about how they do their work. Allow leaders to learn and apply psychologically-safe leadership principles. Regularly evaluate leaders' performance and behaviours (e.g., extent to which leaders are psychologically safe). Validate your acts and intentions by seeking feedback (360-degree tools) and modifying your practices accordingly.

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