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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 24 Building Block 7: Prevention Defines how the employer will help employees gain knowledge and skills to reduce mental harm and promote mental health. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) Active program in place that facilitates mental health and substance use disorder awareness training. Campaigns in place to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness and substance use disorders. Regular evaluation and monitoring of communication effectiveness of psychological health and safety initiatives. Education on suicide ideation for persons at risk and access to support in the workplace. Proactive prevention programs such as promoting mental fitness and resiliency are in place. Constant evaluation and monitoring of the employee experience to uncover potential mental harm and mental health distress. Building Block 8: Excellence Defines the components needed to implement, sustain, and continually improve a management system aligned to the National Standard. Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs) Has completed a gap analysis aligned to the National Standard. Has implemented an audit process that validates programs and policies are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Has a process in place to facilitate corrective action. Processes in place to report and investigate psychological health and safety incidents. Processes in place that facilitate continual improvement of all programs and policies. Regular engagement of all key stakeholders to ensure consistent messaging of PHSMS goals and objectives. Defined escalation process in place for how PHSMS violations will be reported and managed. Note: To access the above Jump Start Guide assessment tool, go to: roadmap-jump-start-guide

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