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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 26 Howatt HR Factor 5 Howatt HR's Factor 5 13 PHS factors included The success of this factor… Factor 1 – Management and leadership • PF 3 – Clear leadership and expectations • PF 7 – Recognition and reward • PF 11 – Balance of work and life Is dependent and will be influenced by the organization's management approach as well as the skills of each individual leader at all levels. Factor 2 – Employee Alignment • PF 8 – Involvement and influence • PF 9 – Workload management • PF 10 – Engagement Can be positively influenced by employees' coping skills, personal decision making, persistence, self- advocacy, job satisfaction and confidence in their ability to communicate with their managers. Factor 3 – Culture • PF 1 – Psychological and social support • PF 2 – Organizational culture • PF 4 – Civility and respect Will be impacted by senior leadership follow-through and commitment to promoting and monitoring core values, employee value proposition (EVP), policies, and principles that define the expectations as to how the organization's community will behave. Factor 4 – Strategic HR • PF 5 – Psychological competencies and requirements • PF 6 – Growth and development Will be influenced by talent management initiatives that are influenced by core competencies, job selection process, evaluation of job fit, learning and development, support to fulfill job requirements, and performance management. Factor 5 – Safety • PF 12 – Psychological protection • PF 13 – Protection of physical safety Is dependent on employers facilitating policies, training, and employee participation in risk management, return to work protocols, accommodation, and functional assessment and close monitoring.

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