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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 3 Introduction This is a year-two follow-up study to Moving to Action: Implementing Workplace Safety & Prevention Services' (WSPS) Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap 1 that created the foundation for this applied research study. The Roadmap is a user-friendly tool to assist organizations in facilitating psychological health and safety. The Roadmap is aligned to the guidance provided by CAN/CSA Z1003 Standard. CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700- 803/2013 (R2018), Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace – Prevention, Promotion, and Guidance to Staged Implementation (CAN/CSA-Z1003 Standard) to assist employers in framing WHAT they can do to create a psychologically safe and healthy workplace. However, the CSA Z1003 Standard does not provide clear direction on the HOW. The Roadmap provides employers — regardless of their size, budget or resources — with practical steps for reducing mental harm and promoting mental health. The Roadmap's primary purpose is to encourage employers to promote workplace mental health and facilitate a Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA) approach to all workplace mental health initiatives. The Roadmap is a scalable and flexible tool organizations can use to plot their journey towards a PDCA model of psychological health and safety, wherever they may be in that process. It is intended to help psychological health and safety facilitators/champions assess where their organization stands regarding promoting mental health and reducing mental harm, and to assist stakeholders to decide what the employer will do based on needs and capacity. The Roadmap consists of eight building blocks (see Appendix A for an introduction), aligned to the CAN/CSA Z1003 Standard. 1

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