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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 4 Year-two study search for evidence The primary goal for year two's search for evidence was moving the Roadmap from informed evidence to evidence-based. The research design for year two focused on psychological health and safety facilitators (i.e., person/persons accountable for workplace mental health). To be useful, the Roadmap must provide these individuals with knowledge and skills to positively impact workplace mental health. This study explored how exposing psychological health and safety facilitators to the Roadmap improved their self-efficacy (i.e., confidence) for reducing mental harm and promoting mental health within their organizations' budgets and capacity. One challenge with workplace mental health is that some psychological health and safety facilitators perform this role off the side of their desks. It is not their core function. Other organizations have resources dedicated to the process. The search for evidence began with recruiting nine organizations to participate in this study (see Appendix C for list of participating organizations). To understand the Roadmap's usefulness and benefits, it was determined the first step would require evaluating each organization's psychological health and safety facilitators' self-efficacy regarding psychological health and safety. The next step was providing each organization with a WSPS consultant as a Roadmap and workplace mental health coach to help them plan to use the Roadmap. The WSPS consultant met with the organization on a regular basis to support them in developing an action plan and providing any training and resources required as they started to implement the plan. Each company completed an assessment of their organization in regard to the Roadmap building blocks. Dr. Bill Howatt, in collaboration with WSPS, facilitated a webinar series over eight months to introduce the eight Building Blocks. This approach was intended to increase the psychological health and safety facilitators' capacity to have an impact.

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