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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 8 Respondents who were at "foundational" and more advanced stages found the Roadmap helpful. Some responded that it clarified what to do and where to start, even after years of previous attempts that did not get traction. For others, it confirmed they were on the right track and reminded them of other aspects to consider. Several indicated they would use the resource after the research project was completed. No consistent aspect was highlighted as the most or least useful, indicating that different organizations benefited from different parts of the program. Some mentioned the ongoing accountability and contact with WSPS or Howatt HR team member. Some cited the sessions that built the foundation, such as how to get buy-in. All respondents mentioned that the content provided by Dr. Howatt, in collaboration with WSPS, was excellent, clear, helpful, and applicable, and gave them specific steps to create and implement their plan. Several reported they could not attend all the sessions live and appreciated the ability to watch the recordings to keep on track. Sample comments: "for 10 years we have been talking about mental health at work and encouraging these conversations but no framework to guide us. This gave us that framework" "the layout was intuitive, easy to follow, progressive" "It was just what we needed" "well put together" "really good content and information" "building blocks laid out nicely" "Having these resources was invaluable. We wouldn't even know where to start" "gives us verbiage to share with others, we're all talking the same language" "great resource" "will be valuable information moving forward"

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