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WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Year-Two Study 9 "helped create structure…got us organized" "content was very good and progressive" "every building block had something helpful" "flexible program" "could work at own pace" Using the Roadmap increased participants' confidence and capacity to build PHS in the workplace. All respondents were unanimous that the Roadmap increased their capacity and confidence in creating and implementing a plan to address mental health in the workplace. Thus, Outcome #2 was achieved: 100% of participating organizations reported in qualitative interviews that their confidence to create and implement a workplace mental health program had increased from using the Roadmap. On a 1-10 rating scale (higher scores indicating more helpful) of the extent the Roadmap helped create or implement a plan to address PHS in the workplace, scores ranged from 7 to 10. Thus, while all respondents indicated their confidence had increased, the degree of confidence increase ranged from 7 to 10 on a 10-point scale. Several respondents indicated they had a different sense of self-efficacy regarding "creating" a plan vs. "implementing" a plan. Many respondents indicated they did not have time to implement a plan. Thus, they reported their self-efficacy in implementing a plan was lower than their self-efficacy for creating a plan. Several indicated they would have rated the Roadmap even higher if they had had enough time to implement the plan they developed through the Roadmap.

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