Guides & Toolkits

Psychological Safety in Practice: A Guidebook for Managers

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9 a guidebook by CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network This page features a poster available from Workplace Safety & Prevention Services: Leadership behaviours to support mental health These behaviours can be practiced every day to promote and support employees' psychological health. What is most important is that they are practiced with authentic intention. Tips for becoming an authentic leader: Seek honest feedback. Constantly look for real-time feedback on how others are seeing and experiencing you. Reflect daily on your leadership style. Pause at the end of each day and reflect on things you did well, along with opportunities for improvement. Be clear about purpose. Start each day with a clear vision of your purpose and commitments to your people and prioritize them over personal metrics. Take time to build authentic relationships. Get to know your people, what is important to them, what they care about, and how you can support them. 12 daily leadership behaviours that can positively impact the overall experience and mental health of employees: Show you value Welcome – make it a point to acknowledge people with intention. Check in – regularly ask how they are doing. Gratitude – recognize contributions. Celebrate – acknowledge importance of employees' efforts to organizational success. Show you respect Recognize – talent, competencies and skills. Empower – ask for point of view. Autonomy – encourage employees to make decisions. Reward – say thank you, and, when appropriate, demonstrate appreciation. Support Ask – how you can help. Provide encouragement – praise good work. Provide opportunity – on regular basis share all available training and development opportunities, and support resources. Do not assume people know.

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