Guides & Toolkits

Psychological Safety in Practice: A Guidebook for Managers

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23 a guidebook by CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network Bill Howatt "Accept that you play an important role in employees' well-being" It is important to remember that it is the manager's responsibility to care for their employees' well-being and understand that workers with mental illnesses are protected under human rights legislation. That said, many leaders have not been trained and struggle with this responsibility. With the right mindset, this manager can learn how to support and protect this worker and others with mental illness in the workplace. The first step is to be aware of implicit bias and stigma and how they can negatively impact employees' experiences in the workplace. If these mindsets are not managed, employees will be discouraged from asking for help and won't feel safe coming to work. If the manager is not sure how to support an employee with mental illness, they can work with HR to understand their role and receive training if it is available. Training will also equip them to support workers who have not come forward with a mental illness but may also be struggling to fulfill their assigned work.

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