Guides & Toolkits

Psychological Safety in Practice: A Guidebook for Managers

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13 a guidebook by CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network Encourage Rest and Rejuvenation An uncertain work environment can overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system and create chronic stress and burnout. Relatively harmless situations such as a full inbox, looming deadlines, juggling priorities, and managing conflict at work can evoke a fight or flight response, reduce the ability to cope and trigger a downward spiral. The visual on this page shows two opposing spirals – an upward spiral and a downward spiral. Emotions and feelings that correlate to the upward spiral are joy, love, passion, enthusiasm, hopefulness, contentment, freedom, empowerment, eagerness, happiness, optimism, belief, and positivity. Emotions and feelings that correspond with the downward spiral are frustration, impatience, worry, rage, jealousy, insecurity, powerlessness, pessimism, irritation, doubt, anger, hatred, guilt. Freedom Empowerment Eagerness Happiness Optimism Belief Positivity Joy Love Passion Enthusiasm Hopefulness Contentment UPWARD SPIRAL DOWNWARD SPIRAL Pessimism Irritation Doubt Anger Hatred Guilt Frustration Impatience Worry Rage Jealousy Insecurity Powerlessness UPW ARD SPIRAL DOWNWARD SPI RA L

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