Posters & Infographics

Understanding Canada's Air Quality Index

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1 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 10 10+ "At Risk Populations" include people with heart or breathing problems. A I R Q U A L I T Y H E A L T H I N D E X U N D E R S T A N D I N G C A N A D A ' S SOURCE: Government of Canada LOW RISK MODERATE RISK HIGH RISK General Public: Enjoy outdoor activities. At Risk Population: Enjoy outdoor activities. General Public: No need to modify outdoor activities unless symptoms such as coughing or throat irritation occur. At Risk Population: Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous outdoor activities if experiencing symptoms. General Public: Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous outdoor activities if symptoms such as coughing or throat irritation occur. At Risk Population: Reduce or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities. Children and the elderly should take it easy. VERY HIGH RISK General Public: Reduce or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities, especially if symptoms such as coughing or throat irritation occur. At Risk Population: Avoid strenuous outdoor activities. Children and the elderly should avoid outdoor physical exertion.

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