
WSPS 2022 Annual Report

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WSPS.CA | 2022 Annual Report | 21 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2023 5 5 Capital assets 2023 2022 Cost $ Accumulated amortization $ Net $ Net $ Computer equipment 26,381 4,397 21,984 - 6 Government remittances Included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities are government remittances including federal and provincial sales tax, payroll withholdings and related tax of $178,730 (2022 – $155,167). 7 Exit benefits Effective January 1, 1991, the former IAPA implemented an exit benefits plan under which all employees hired prior to July 1, 2006 were eligible to receive payment on retirement or separation equal to one week's salary for each year of service. This plan was discontinued effective January 1, 2009 and employees were given the option of being paid out or deferring payment until their termination. Payouts are based on the current salary at the time of payment. 8 Employee future benefits The Corporation's employee future benefits comprise: 2023 $ 2022 $ Post-retirement plan 15,043,300 18,366,800 Employees' Supplementary pension plan 1,339,000 1,586,000 16,382,300 19,952,800 The Corporation provides extended health-care, dental and life insurance benefits to all employees with the cost of these benefits recognized on an accrual basis. The most recently completed actuarial valuation was on March 31, 2023.

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