
WSPS 2022 Annual Report

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WSPS.CA | 2022 Annual Report | 3 As Ontario – and the world – enters a new age of challenge and opportunity, the focus on people, the changing ways we work and "what's next" is top of mind for businesses and workers alike. More people are recognizing that a strong health and safety culture is key to future success. According to the results of Workplace Safety & Prevention Services' 2022 Health and Safety Leadership Survey, 39% of employers surveyed believe prospective employees ask about their health and safety program. In contrast, 73% of employees surveyed say they would need to know about it before accepting an offer of employment. In organizations that are health and safety leaders, more than half of respondents said they would be reluctant to leave even if they were offered more money elsewhere. To attract and retain talent – the biggest challenge employers are facing according to the survey – prioritizing health and safety is critical. Within this environment, WSPS has been evolving its approach in better serving the health and safety needs of businesses and workers in Ontario's agricultural, manufacturing and service sectors. The year 2022/23 represented the second year of momentum under the WSPS Strategic Plan 2021-2023. At the inception of the plan, WSPS set its vision on what the organization would look like by 2023. The goal posts included: Reaching and connecting with more businesses across the province Engaging directly with Ontario workers through digital and social media channels Offering a modular product shelf to customers, tunable to their needs and profiles Providing direct and virtual services based on what is most convenient for customers Integrating physical occupational health and safety and psychological risks and harms into one holistic approach Continuously measuring what is needed and what works for customers, productizing the learning, and then scaling it for more customers Upskilling employees in areas such as digital fluency, social responsibility, forward planning, and customer experience WSPS is on track to achieve its goals. In this report, we review accomplishments at the end of year 2, under the objectives of the 2021-2023 strategic plan. The importance of workplace health and safety has never been more in the spotlight.

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