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Business in Motion: Managing Material Hazards

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BUSINESS IN MOTION: MANAGING MATERIAL HANDLING HAZARDS WSPS.CA 4 STEP 1: What are the tasks? Identify tasks where workers or machines move, place, or store materials or objects. Anytime something is moved, there is a risk of crush-by, struck-by, or musculoskeletal injuries. CONDUCT A WALK-THROUGH OF THE WORKPLACE, OBSERVE OPERATIONS, AND DOCUMENT ALL MATERIAL HANDLING TASKS IN THE COLUMN A, ON THE FILLABLE FORM FOUND ON PAGE 9. Examples of material handling in workplaces include: Lifting, pushing, pulling or sliding materials by workers between areas Use of equipment and vehicles to transport materials Storage of materials on overhead racks or shelves Receiving materials and placing them in their designated locations Movement of materials on conveyors or rollers Use of machines and equipment to facilitate material handling STEP 2: Where are the tasks located? Material Handling tasks can be common practices in your workplace. It is very important to create an inventory of all Material Handling tasks to ensure each is captured and there are no tasks overlooked. CREATE A COMPLETE LIST OF WHERE MATERIAL HANDLING IS HAPPENING IN ALL OPERATIONS. Examples of common work areas where Material Handling occurs include: Cash or checkout counter Storage room shelves Warehouse racks Shipping and receiving area Assembly area Packing area Production area INSTRUCTIONS: IDENTIFY AND APPLY CONTROLS TO MANAGE MATERIAL HANDLING

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