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Business in Motion: Managing Material Hazards

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BUSINESS IN MOTION: MANAGING MATERIAL HANDLING HAZARDS WSPS.CA 9 MATERIAL HANDLING HAZARD IDENTIFICATION HAZARD IDENTIFICATION TAKING ACTION In Regulation 851 Section 45 and 46: Material Handling is defined as materials, articles or things which are lifted, carried, moved, or transported placed or stored, or removed from a storage area pile or rack. Reduce the risk of accident, injury, and fatality due to Material Handling using the hierarchy of controls A) What is the task? B) Where is the hazard? C) Why is this task a Hazard? D) Control to prevent injury or illness? SAMPLE Workers moving items by lifting and carrying? Packing area Receiving area Repetitive motion Awkward posture Heavy Job rotation 2-person lift Weight restrictions 1. Are workers lifting materials? 2. Are workers moving or carrying materials from one place to another? 3. Are workers handling awkward shape or size materials? 4. Are workers handling heavy materials? 5. Are workers working alongside powered equipment? 6. Are workers working around moving equipment? 7. Do you use conveyors to move materials? 8. Do you use rollers to move materials?

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