
White Paper Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risk and Opportunities in Food Manufacturing

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BY THE INDUSTRY, FOR THE INDUSTRY PAGE | 3 " " "This was a great process! I look forward to seeing tools and resources become available based on the work done! It was very helpful to be able to learn from all the participants and their combined 100+ years of experience." — Lois Weeks, Aspire Food Group Canada In October 2022, an in-depth analysis of the industry's health and safety risks identified 60 hazardous events. The events were reviewed, and risks ranked, based on likelihood and severity of potential consequences, into a list of the top 10 safety risks in the food manufacturing industry in Ontario. To delve deeper into the top identified risk —inadequate lockout/tag out — a two- day root cause analysis workshop was held in February 2023, bringing subject matter experts, including workers, and management, together to share their collective insights. It focused on understanding the underlying causes related to risk of inadequate LOTO and brainstorming practical and effective solutions. The workshop resulted in recommendations to address the root causes, including practical advice for employers, workers, industry associations, and government. WHAT IS LOCKOUT/TAG OUT? LOTO is a way to control potentially hazardous energy associated with machines or equipment when performing installation, maintenance, or repair operations, by applying locks and tags at isolation points in accordance with established procedures. It prevents injuries caused by accidental or unintended start-up of machinery. It is a legal requirement to ensure worker safety.

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