
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 16 APPENDIX 2 CONTROLS/SOLUTIONS FOR TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS 5. Category: Environment Primary Causal Factor: Rushing a) Establish a robust preventive maintenance program (including scheduled LOTO). b) Allocate appropriate cleaning/changeover time and hold employees accountable for it. Avoid incentivizing shorter times. c) Keep LOTO devices where they are readily available, when needed (consider principles of 5S). d) Explore options for self-cleaning options/system. e) Provide ongoing communication with workers to: a. Highlight safe practices, b. Promote safety over production, c. Stress importance of not rushing through tasks, etc. d. Emphasize OHS performance requirements (e.g., LOTO of equipment) Communications may be in the form of safety moments, pre-shift meetings, shift changeover meetings, etc. f) Encourage reporting and record keeping of jams/blockages of equipment. g) Investigate root causes of jams/blockages of equipment. h) Promote preventive maintenance. i) Incentivize the purchase of self-cleaning equipment. j) Publish guidelines/best practices for cleaning machinery. k) Utilize and promote Day of Mourning videos and Threads of Life speakers, especially stories drelated to LOTO. 6. Category: People Primary Causal Factor: Procedures not followed a) Keep LOTO devices near to equipment/tasks. b) Have written LOTO procedures that: a. Are easy to read (plain language, consider ESL, visual elements) b. Are readily accessible. Posted in convenient location. c. Identify all LOTO points and LOTO devices needed. c) Ensure supervisors and senior management communicate, coach, and lead by example on an ongoing basis. d) Ensure authorized workers, who frequently perform LOTO, have their own lock that they carry with them. e) Ensure tags include pictures of employees with caption "Do not turn on, my life is on the line". f) Post pictures of traumatically injured posted by machines: "If you don't lock out, this could be you". g) Ensure workers who are authorized to perform LOTO are easily identifiable (e.g., sticker on their hard hat, badge on their uniform).

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