
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 3 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Integrated risk management is a methodology initiated by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) in 2013. It was designed to bring together key experts within an industry sector– workers, employers, enforcement, and Health and Safety Association (HSA) staff – to obtain deeper insight into the top health and safety concerns within the sector and establish solutions to reduce occupational health and safety risks and prevent workplace injury, illness, and deaths. The methodology consists of a risk assessment workshop to identify, discuss, and evaluate hazardous risk events within the sector; and a root cause analysis workshop to identify and discuss root causes of a select hazardous event and to brainstorm controls and solutions. In 2022-2023, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) applied the methodology for the Food Manufacturing Sector. While WSPS led the workshops, it was the subject matter experts (SMEs) consisting of workers and employers within the sector who had final say in identifying and evaluating the risks and determining controls and solutions. RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP In October 2022, with the support of MLITSD, Food and Beverage Ontario, and Meat and Poultry Ontario, a risk assessment workshop was facilitated to determine the top health and safety concerns within the Food Manufacturing Sector. The top 10 risks as identified by the industry SMEs are: 10 TOP 10 RISKS FULL RESULTS OF THE RISK ASSESSMENT 1 Lockout/tag out (failure to…) 2 Lift Trucks & Transport Trucks (general) 3 Bypassing Safeguarding 4 Slip/Trip/Falls 5 Lack of Safeguarding 6 Loading/Unloading Trailers 7 Ergonomics (general) 8 (Riding) Electric Pallet Truck 9 Power Lift Trucks, Walking in the Plant 10 Temporary Workers

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