
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 4 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS WORKSHOP DAY 1 | LOCKOUT/TAG OUT From the list of identified top 10 risks, lockout/tag out was selected by the subject matter experts for a root cause analysis. The following risk statement was agreed upon: Exposure to hazardous energy, associated with inadequate lockout/tag out of equipment, can have serious consequences for workers, organizations and supporting community. In February 2023, a root cause analysis workshop was facilitated to identify contributing factors and controls/solutions for the top primary causal factor. The workshop participants included peer-recognized subject matter experts from the sector, who, over the course of the two-days, worked together to identify and prioritize causal factors for inadequate lockout/tag out in the food manufacturing sector. WORKER/LABOUR REPRESENTATIVES The worker/labour subject matter experts for the workshop included representation from the following organizations: MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVES The management subject matter experts for the workshop included representation from the following organizations: INDUSTRY STAKEHOLDER REPRESENTATIVES The industry stakeholder support for the workshop included the following: WORKER/LABOUR REPRESENTATIVES THE WORKER/LABOUR SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS FOR THE WORKSHOP INCLUDED REPRESENTATION FROM THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: Dare Foods Dare Foods

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