
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 6 Failure to control hazardous energy, such as Inadequate LOTO of equipment, can have serious consequences for workers, organizations and the supporting community. Temp workers Mental health Contractors Fatigue Unfit for duty Inadequate LOTO specific metrics Remote area / size of facility Dust Inadequate awareness signage Extreme temperature Skilled trade Organizational structure Fear Live work Procedure not followed Rushing Low risk perception / acceptable risk Inadequate Leadership commitment Lack of procedures (program) Inadequate risk assessment Inadequate procedure Unidentified roles & responsibilities Inadequate training Inadequate monitoring / enforcement LOTO point not maintained (defective) Inadequate LOTO point LOTO point not accessible LOTO point not identified Inadequate LOTO placard at machine Multiple LOTO points LEGEND LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out Primary cause Top primary cause LEGEND LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out Primary cause Top primary cause Inadequate metrics (production rate, downtime, financial growth) Inadequate LOTO device PEOPLE TOOLS & MACHINES The subject matter experts identified 32 primary causal factors, as depicted in the fishbone diagram below and listed in Appendix 1. ENVIRONMENT CULTURE MEASURES PROCESS LEGEND:

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