
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 7 PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS VOTING The following were scored higher by workers: Lack of procedures (program) Procedure not followed Inadequate procedure Inadequate metrics (production rate, downtime, financial growth) Lockout point not accessible Fear Worker and management subject matter experts voted on the importance of each of the 32 identified primary causal factors using the following rating scale: 1 Not important 5 Moderately important 2 Low importance 6 Very important 3 Slightly important 7 Extremely important/showstopper 4 Neutral Voting was facilitated using a voting tool app. Votes were validated following the workshop. MANAGEMENT AND WORKER VOTING RESULTS The separated voting results for both management and workers are highlighted below. The following were scored higher by management: Inadequate leadership commitment Inadequate training Low risk perception/acceptable risk Inadequate monitoring/enforcement Inadequate LOTO devices Inadequate LOTO points Unidentified roles and responsibilities Inadequate LOTO placard at machine MANAGEMENT AND WORKER VOTING COMPARISON SUMMARY Overall, management scored items higher in the voting: Highest score by management 7.00 (Inadequate leadership commitment) Highest score by workers 6.80 (Lack of procedures) Management and workers had the same score (6.00) on one item: Lockout point not accessible Largest variance where management scored higher was inadequate leadership commitment: Management 7.00 vs Workers 6.20 Largest variance where workers scored higher was inadequate metrics (production rate, downtime, financial growth): Workers 6.20 vs Management 5.50 Overall, management and workers scored closely on most topics.

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