
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 12 APPENDIX 1 PRIMARY CASUAL FACTORS TOOLS AND MACHINES: LOTO point not accessible Inadequate LOTO device LOTO point not identified Inadequate LOTO point Inadequate LOTO placard at machine Multiple LOTO points LOTO points not maintained (defective) ENVIRONMENT: Rushing Remote area/size of facility Dust Inadequate awareness signage Extreme temperature CULTURE: Skilled trade Organizational structure Low risk perception/acceptance of risk Fear Live work Inadequate leadership commitment PEOPLE: Unfit for duty Fatigue Contractors Procedures not followed Mental Health Temporary workers PROCESSES: Lack of procedures (program) Inadequate procedures Inadequate risk assessment Unidentified roles & responsibilities Inadequate training Inadequate monitoring/enforcement MEASURES: Inadequate metrics (production rate, downtime, financial growth) Inadequate LOTO Metrics

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