
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 13 APPENDIX 2 CONTROLS/SOLUTIONS FOR TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS 1. Category: Culture Primary Causal Factor: Leadership Commitment a) Leadership takes accountability for OHS performance (not the OHS department). b) Establish OHS metrics for LOTO performance and hold individuals accountable for meeting objectives and targets. c) Establish processes for closing action items related to safety objectives, with specific timelines and defined accountability. d) Regularly communicate OHS performance to leadership. e) Communicate information to leadership specific to (LOTO) non-compliance and associated risks (injury, prosecutions). f) Provide OHS training and instructions for leadership. g) Provide OHS onboarding/orientation for new senior managers. h) Consider incentive programs (in addition to HSEp) to reward positive OHS performance, behaviours. i) Consider changes to O. Reg. 297/13, such as: a. Expansion to include awareness of LOTO b. Clarify requirement to provide awareness training for Senior Management. j) Have provisions (or trigger) for providing OHS information/resources for new businesses, such as when they register for a license, or WSIB account. k) Beyond (j), provide information and resources: a. On where to access OHS resources b. How to measure OHS performance (e.g., proactive KPIs related to LOTO) c. Specific to the Food Manufacturing sector l) Provide MLITSD news bulletins for all fines issued (including those less than $50,000). m) Develop a searchable database based legislative reference n) Create a subscription for mailers related to specific legislative references. o) Provide information related to causes, contributing factors for infractions or incidents.

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